Πέμπτη 26 Μαρτίου 2009

Fur Collar

I’m totally into fur collars lately… I absolutely disliked them at first, they kind of made me think of old ladies, with weird feathery hats, tiny dogs in their lap and quilted bags hanging with long golden chains from their shoulders. Grandma style, in simple worlds. It’s very ironic though, how most of the times, when I dislike something, I end up being crazy about it! Same thing happened to me with platforms, pearl jewelry, huge shades, mushrooms – oops irrelevant, but still you get the point! – and the list could go on and on and on!
Since the way we look at things, has to do with experiences we have had so far, it often just takes one little new one to change our whole point of view. My reason for recanting this time is this jacket I found at Forever21. At first I was like “Not bad... But it does have to lose that fur collar!”, then I started getting fonder and fonder of it, until I came to like it MOSTLY for it’s collar! Now isn’t that a change of perspective or what?

I currently see fur collars as totally stylish and able to give a touch of elegance to a coat without the need of a scarf or anything like that. Just check those out that I found on ShopStyle, yummy!

However, since I am so short on money at the moment, buying a new jacket is out of the question. I will just stick into grabbing Markellos – Markellos is my chinchilla - and checking out if he looks good on my coat since he is the closest I have to fur…

By the way, I do have to say I am totally anti – real fur. The only way I could get into having real fur on me, is if Markellos actually decided to stay on my coat for the whole night long! It’s really beyond me why people would choose to kill and torture other living beings just in order to look chic, at least in their eyes (because they look sick, if you ask me) and ESPECIALLY when they do have the choice of picking fake. If isn’t that bloodthirstiness, cruelty and arrogance then what is?

Τρίτη 24 Μαρτίου 2009

The day I fell in love with a cardigan

First of all, let me put up the scenery for you. It’s quite simple actually… Big glass shop window, breathtaking beige cashmere cardigan with ridiculously high price inside, love-stricken me standing on the outside, tension in the air … and that is how that love story started!
“Oh no, here come the butterflies” I mumbled while holding my stomach and while my eyes were lustily feeding from the sight. Loose straight lines in an ethereal cashmere woollen cloth that seemed even cuddlier than Thomas - your first teddy bear! It was closing all the way down with flower-shaped white buttons, which made a wonderful contrast with the cardigan’s rich creamy color and had that delicate deep champagne silken belt tying around the waist. That piece of clothing was the revival of romanticism, not just a simple cardigan!
I pictured it in my wardrobe. Oh it could match everything! I was having flash images with it hugging perfectly my comfortable tees, dancing eloquently with my dresses and vintage high-heels, accompanying my skinny jeans and shorts, it was a pure phantasmagoria! It started growing in me so badly that all my other clothes felt alone and incomplete without it. By then I knew I had found my new amigo, a partner to share sheer moments of the highest stylistic expression! That cardigan would become an extension of my very own personality. Of course I was exaggerating, isn’t that what love is all about anyway?
At that point and in between my messed up thoughts I discriminated the salesgirl’s freaked out look from inside the shop, watching me standing there with my jaw dropped and eyes wide open. I felt embarrassed, put on my big shades and left, but unfortunately the cardigan’s idea followed me all the way back home...
I am sure you realize by now that I had to make that thing mine, which consequently, would lead to my getting ripped of every penny I could lay hands on for quite some time and on top of it all, there was also that god-forsaken rent that had to be paid! Two days of psychological struggling passed and I was almost defeated, already feeling guilty towards the landlord and changing direction whenever we crossed roads. Yes, her rent-money would become cardigan, but it was inevitable, I honestly couldn’t help it since I was totally left helpless in the mercy of my beige obsession…
The next morning I decided it was about time I went and committed my crime. A woman’s got to do what she’s got to do anyway. I put on a different coat and pair of shades this time, since there was no need to feel extra bad if the salesgirl recognized the silly-staring woman from the other day. Quite childish I know, it’s things like that that make me feel I will never grow past 19, at least mentally…
I entered the shop with the same feeling as when you dip a spoon in a piece of chocolate cake after a week of diet, both full of guilt and craving! I asked anxiously for a cardigan like that at my size fearing that she wouldn’t be able to find one, as it usually happens in situations like that. Thankfully she did find one and came back with it, “ My karma hasn’t decided to get back at me just yet” I thought. I took off my coat and grabbed it. My eyes were seeing little stars twinkling from all the excitement. It was, as I expected, extra soft to the touch and the color seemed even better at a closer distance. Then I put it on…Big pause…
You mean and spiteful, cursed mirror! Are you kidding me? The thing looked hideous on me… At first, I wasn’t ready to admit it but it was terrible, it looked like a huge empty shack hanging on me, plus it was a bit tight at the shoulders making me feel like a robot when moving. Totally unflattering is the least I can say. I could see myself in that, 40 years from now, sitting by the fireplace and narrating stories to my grandchildren! Duh! I took it off and gave it back to the salesgirl that, even her, didn’t make any comments at all, she was just staring with a polite smile on her face the whole time.
“You didn’t like it very much miss?” she said, “Yeah, it wasn’t very flattering on me” I said with a prince-turned-into-a-frog disappointment on my face “ but thank you very much..” I continued and then left the shop. I guess that landlord is taking her money after all, that evil little cute old lady has her own way into always taking what she wants, I was thinking while walking back home. Don’t take it personally Mrs. Roberts somebody had to be blamed for all that disappointment, apart from me of course.
Note to self: (Because every story has a lesson to teach you!) Next time you feel head over heels for someone or something don’t be fooled! Most probably it’s a creation of your own wild imagination… At least, when it comes to clothes you usually find out faster than you do with people!
P.S. This story is fictional and does not depict any actual person or event, any resemblance to existing people and events is purely coincidental (do not want to get any cardigan's feelings hurt..). Thank you!